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Frequent flier miles

There’s no rest for the weary. For the last three weeks out of four, the Idaho football team is forced to hit the road, this time to the east coast […]

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WAC Round-up

La. Tech 52 Illinois 24 Stellar quarterback play in the WAC is becoming a norm. La. Tech senior Colby Cameron threw four touchdown passes as the Bulldogs ran away from […]

Flag flies high for McRoyal

From the day Ken McRoyal lost his life his cousin has been doing anything and everything possible to honor his best friend and teammate. On Sept. 15 in McRoyal’s home state […]

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WAC round-up

UTSA 38 Georgia State 14 The Roadrunners of Texas-San Antonio are making history, winning their first three games as an FBS program.  None of those games were against FBS competition, though […]