Crumbs: Banana Bread Oats 
A sweet, filling breakfast to start your morning

As the first meal of the day, breakfast can be intimidating. These banana bread oats take off some of the pressure. They’re easy, quick to prepare and make for a […]

Crumbs: Chocolate mousse brownies 
A delightfully rich treat for Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day less than two weeks away, you may be wondering about what kind of sweet treat to make for your sweetheart. These chocolate mousse brownies are the perfect […]

Crumbs: Savory Sloppy Joes
An easy and filling meal for busy nights

If you’ve never made sloppy joes before, there’s no need to worry: this is one of the easiest things you can cook and there are plenty of ways to spice […]

Vandals get their game on
Esports program hosts video gaming event in Vandal Lounge

On Thursday, Jan. 16, Vandal Entertainment and the Vandal Esports program joined forces to host Vandal Games, a night full of competition, fun and, of course, gaming.   All throughout the […]

Crumbs: juicy air fryer chicken
Easy and delicious protein for your next meal

When you hear the words “air fryer,” you may imagine the amazing ability to crispify frozen foods. But did you know you can also make juicy chicken breasts? It’s true. […]

Poet visits Spanish class
R.E. Toledo shares the sounds that define her

“What are the sounds that define you?” Rossy Toledo asked a group of Spanish students. For her, it was the “pregoneros”, the shouting vendors that used to wake her during […]