OPNION: Students crave freedom from standardized testing 
Many institutions are against tests like the SAT and ACT, but the federal government still requires students take them.

Standardized tests are enjoyed by none, yet most institutions offering higher education still require them.   The SAT and ACT are rival testing companies, yet thousands of students each year opt […]

UI’s specialized communities grow connections
Students can find like-minded peers with specialized communities on campus

The University of Idaho provides many different experiences for on-campus living. One of these experiences takes the form of specialized communities, which are designed so you can live with other […]

OPINION: Valentine’s Day hurts the planet 
With chocolate, rose and greeting card sales skyrocketing, Valentine’s Day pollutes the planet

Choclates encased in plastic heart-shaped containers, bouquets of roses and cards with cheesy messages of love are just a few of the stereotypical Valentine’s Day experiences. But did you know […]