Guest Voice: Hong Kong for thought
Aaron Bharucha, ASUI Senator, gives background on the Hong Kong protests
While America was watching fireworks hit the sky on New Year’s Day, almost 400 protestors were being arrested in Hong Kong.
While America was watching fireworks hit the sky on New Year’s Day, almost 400 protestors were being arrested in Hong Kong.
Our criminal justice system is intended to ensure an appropriate penalty associate with crime. We refer to this as paying one’s debt to society. However, under some of Idaho’s current laws, the payment never seems to stop.
It is no great secret that something is greatly lacking at the University of Idaho. Take a stroll across any modern university and one will inevitably find the student union building. In […]
President Trump recently announced “guidance on constitutional prayer
in public schools” on January 16: Religious Freedom Day. Trump first announced his prayer push at a Miami mega-church rally, “I’ll be taking action to safeguard students’ and teachers’ First Amendment rights to pray in our schools… They want to take that right along with many other ones.”
On July 1, 2016, the University of Idaho became a tobacco free campus after a group of passionate students were examining the health and welfare of people on campus. Since […]
The University of Idaho is politically apathetic. That is not to say there aren’t people who have strong feelings on issues, rather it is an admittance that we would rather […]
Your stomach is grumbling and you feel light headed. It becomes hard to think about anything other than getting food. Suddenly, someone bumps into you and your first reaction is […]
How often have you heard someone report that they are now vegan, pescatarian, or some form of vegetarian? In today’s age, it seems that many are striving to be healthy, […]
Are you experiencing a strong longing for home? Missing friends from high school? Craving that family home-cooked meal? Just as absence can make the heart grow fonder, absence can also […]
Most of us are looking to enjoy healthy meals on our college budgets. In addition, with so much conflicting health and nutrition information all over the web, it’s important that […]