Guest Voice: Pre-Existing Condition
Devin Gaskins, WWAMI student, shares his experiences and shows support for the Black Lives Matter movement

In light of George Floyd’s death and the falsified autopsy results that were initially released, I would like to make it clear in the event of my own murder what […]

mental health
GUEST VOICE: Routines are healthy
The mental health benefits of having a daily routine

During this challenging time within our community, it can be difficult to remain in a routine and stay motivated. With numerous benefits to maintaining a routine, one main benefit is preserving our mental health.

Guest Voice: Hong Kong for thought
Aaron Bharucha, ASUI Senator, gives background on the Hong Kong protests

While America was watching fireworks hit the sky on New Year’s Day, almost 400 protestors were being arrested in Hong Kong.

Guest voice: Idahoans deserve a second chance
Representative Ilana Rubel and Senator Dave Lent talk about working to remove barriers to employment.

Our criminal justice system is intended to ensure an appropriate penalty associate with crime. We refer to this as paying one’s debt to society. However, under some of Idaho’s current laws, the payment never seems to stop.