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Mail Box

Feeding program fiasco Dear Editor: Perhaps the federal Farm Bill could have avoided that nasty “partisan rut” if the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture had stuck to its knittin’ instead of […]

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Farm Bill stuck in partisan rut

Frank Priestley | Idaho Farm Bureau President The U.S. Congress recently broke for its annual August recess without completing work on a new five-year farm bill. Although the Senate and the House […]

Health away from home

Shannon Haselhuhn | UI Health Education Coordinator.   There are many things to think about as you start your college career. What major you will choose, how you will find […]

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Mail Box

Failure to communicate Andrew Jenson failed to recognize the vast majority of scientific knowledge about climate change by relying on rhetoric and religious beliefs to make his point that humans […]

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Simple proof of evolution From a scientific viewpoint, evolution is irrefutable. 

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Encouraging inspiration

Inspiration — we’d all like to find it.  But it can prove elusive in the rough and tumble of the daily grind and countless challenges in our nation.