What’s up, Vandals! I hope everyone’s spring semester is progressing well. ASUI has been preparing for our Winter Social for most of January and into February. It will be held […]
From: Anya Zuercher & Olivia Lune Last week, Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane called Idaho’s General Election “an accomplishment that should be celebrated.” As students who witnessed voter suppression […]
From: Sunrise Palouse As a coalition of students advocating for just, livable climate futures, Sunrise Palouse condemns the decision to shut down the Black and African American Cultural Center, the […]
(Guest Voice Will Simpson) Step into the University of Idaho Library, and you’ll quickly realize it’s not just a sanctuary for book lovers. Instead, it’s a humming hub of chatter […]
Editor’s note: This letter was provided to the Argonaut but was also sent to President Scott Green Dear President Green, Our collective voice, representing current and former volleyball players, parents, […]
Dear Argonaut: Editor’s Note: This letter was also sent to President Scott Green and Athletic Director Terry Gawlik As former UI track and field student –athletes and members of the […]
Years ago, the Idaho Freedom Foundation made a report about the University of Idaho having a very subversive element. The report stated that UI was endangering the American way of […]
This year was the 11 annual Treefort Music Festival. The festival began in 2012 with Built to Spill, The Joy Formidable and Polçia as headliners, as well as 137 different […]
The twenty-sixth Annual Moscow Hemp Fest will be on Saturday, April 15 from 10 a.m.-7:00 p.m. at East City Park. There will be seven musical acts, plus DJs, playing throughout […]
My older brother died when I was nine years old. He rode his bike through a stop sign and into the path of a semi-truck travelling 60 miles per hour. […]