OPINION: Plant-based alternatives
My relationship with vegetarianism

I throw a soy hotdog into the microwave uncovered and nuke it for 30 seconds too long. Unlike regular meat, my burnt, plant-based hotdog is bubbled and stretched. But I still put it into a bun and drench it with ketchup. It tastes the same as always, and after my meal I am left with two things: a guilt free conscious and eight grams of protein.

Ecosia, what is it?
Does a search engine really make the world a little greener?

Adjusting to the 2020 climate can be challenging. In the first three days, news about Australia’s bush fires was trending everywhere. For myself and many others, climate change and the fate of the planet was very much in mind.

A graphic of a city with some trees and buildings.
L.I.F.E Hacks: Events in Moscow this week
Enjoy a wide variety of events this week on and off the University of Idaho campus

Add a little spice to your life by enjoying the community that surrounds us. Moscow is a town that always has something going on, especially with its bubbly atmosphere. With […]

Crumbs: Tapenade

There is hardly ever a time where people will pass up a quick and easy snack. With our busy schedules, it can be easy to crack open another bag of chips. Using these three fast and easy steps, snack time can be enjoyed with a sophisticated snack like tapenade.

Taking A Moscow Minute
Mindfulness opportunities in Moscow make mental wellness more accessible

In our western culture, taking a stride toward mental health can be complicated. We forget to make time for ourselves and can get tripped up in hurdles life throws at us. Work, school and self-care can all be hard to juggle, especially when it comes to figuring out what to prioritize.

Keeping literature alive in Northern Idaho
Fugue, a literary magazine fueled by UI students

The University of Idaho is famous for its liberal arts programs, both graduate and undergraduate. Out of all the things that have come from the university, the literary magazine Fugue […]

The start of a new decade
Why you shouldn't always make New Year's resolutions in January

2020 is a big year and some might think it is odd to start a decade without a preplanned list of goals. We are all going to cave and make resolutions for this year during the winter.
However, when making resolutions, it is better to stick to the spring and add them when habits are ready to change, rather than in January.

What does it mean to be queer?
My journey to determining my sexual freedom

I have always struggled with my sexual identity. Nothing seemed to fit. Throughout the years, I have identified with bisexual, demisexual, lesbian and gay. I have cycled through all of these, but none feel right.