Know the basics — ASUI presidential, vice presidential candidates lack perspective
Power comes with responsibility, and the decision to run for ASUI president and vice president should not be made lightly.
Power comes with responsibility, and the decision to run for ASUI president and vice president should not be made lightly.
‘The Last Lecture’ If you have 10 minutes to spare for the shortened version, or an hour and a half for the whole thing, YouTube Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture.” […]
Understanding governmental processes and operations is the most crucial trait of any candidate running for office.
It’s just another Friday for University of Idaho students. We’ll go to class, meet up with friends, maybe go out for a drink or two and sleep. But when we […]
Ideas are the wheels of change, but without good communication and successful execution they remain ideas. The ASUI Student Fee and Tuition forum is an idea that fell flat.
Senators are elected to represent the views of the people, not to make rash decisions based on personal views.
Since the murder of Katy Benoit, the University of Idaho has claimed it aims for transparency. The tort claim filed by the Benoit family in December will hopefully show just […]
Since the murder of Katy Benoit, the University of Idaho has claimed it aims for transparency. The tort claim filed by the Benoit family in December will hopefully show just […]
Super Tuesday has different implications for each candidate, but it could be the last influential factor in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.