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Get what you pay for

Every semester, University of Idaho students fork over $15 per year for ASUI Vandal Entertainment events, including comedians, small concerts, films and Finals Fest. Finals Fest performers from recent years […]

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Another kind of V-Day

Many people will enjoy chocolates and candlelit dinners Thursday, but Feb. 14 marks another kind of V-Day — one advocating against violence toward women and girls.

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Respect crushed

You may have noticed or even contributed to a recent flood of posts on your Facebook newsfeed from pages such as “Vandal Crushes,” “UI Confessions,” “Greek Confessions” and “Tower Confessions.”

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Taming trafficking

One of the most egregious violations of human rights is sex trafficking, but this modern-day slavery is not limited to the far reaches of Europe or Asia. It’s happening in […]