For the first time in the past few years, the University of Idaho is having a “post-covid” semester. This year there are little to no restrictions and it finally feels […]
On Sept. 23, a memo was sent out to all University of Idaho employees telling them that they cannot provide any “counseling in favor of abortion” or “promote services for […]
It’s an anonymous feed on a dark screen, Yik Yak provides an open forum with unnamed posters and local posts that are within a specified radius. Here, college students across […]
A month into the semester and students are settling into the day-to-day of university life. The usual hassles of waking up for an 8 a.m. class and balancing assignments are […]
After a successful campaign and a landslide win for the ASUI elections, The Argonaut would like to extend a hearty welcome to incoming President Tanner McClain and Vice President Madison […]
Imagine working at a job you love for years. The benefits are great, you get enough hours in and you’re friends with many of your coworkers. While some things could […]
Elimination of women’s rights, voter suppression and educational censorship all in one place. This year’s legislative session was worse than the last, so sky-high positive COVID-19 rates aren’t the only […]
Beginning next fall, University of Idaho students will be able to opt-out of some student fees supporting student clubs and organizations. In late 2021 the Idaho State Board of Education […]
Watching viral videos showing the horrors of the war in Ukraine, the atrocities of Russia, right next to the regular content we see everyday is a weird experience. The contrast […]
On Monday the University of Idaho removed its mask mandate, pushing the decision to require masks in classrooms onto professors. The decision came just after our communities have begun recovering […]