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Politics no place for religion

I’m a 21-year-old college student who, until this summer, knew little about Congress. To educate myself, in May I stepped outside the comfortable confinement of Moscow to intern on Capitol […]

University honors Benoit

The new granite bench on the Administration Building’s east lawn isn’t just for sitting — it’s a memorial to honor University of Idaho graduate student Katy Benoit. 

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Remembering Karen Pohl

A memorial service for University of Idaho biology student Karen Pohl will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Augustine’s Catholic Center. 

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ASUI election extended

The polls for ASUI elections are now open until 4 p.m. Thursday due to a communication error between ASUI and ITS about which students are eligible to vote.

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Going up and up

University of Idaho President M. Duane Nellis is proposing a 6.1 percent increase in resident undergraduate fees per academic year to go into effect in the 2012-2013 academic year.