The ASUI Senate urged the Idaho state legislature to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the protected clauses of the Idaho Human Rights Act Wednesday.
The University of Idaho Student Code of Conduct is due for an update, having only received minor revisions since the ‘60s.
One in six women and one in 33 men in America are victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime, according to the Rape Incest Abuse National Network.
Fifty percent of sexually active individuals will contract a sexually transmitted disease by age 25, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only 53 percent of University of […]
Despite the increasing trend toward e-readers such as the Kindle or iPad, the University of Idaho bookstore is seeing a decline in student interest in electronic textbooks.
The University of Idaho Faculty Senate has revived the old issue of shifting to a plus-minus grading system, but students are still not convinced it is a good idea.
The 11th Vandal Fitness Challenge is encouraging students to do more than work out — it’s helping them to form healthier eating habits too.
The Sandy Hook school shooting devastated Newtown, Conn., killing 20 students and six teachers. Though Sandy Hook renewed concerns about gun violence and mental illness, it is far from the […]
Imagine a country with widespread social problems. Hell, why imagine when you live in America?
The University Parking Office has moved into the Intermodal Transit Center, leaving the old parking building vacant and its future uncertain.