Fire drill | Carter Kolpitcke
UI’s emergency rescue plans include considerations for all
Plans keep those who need help evaluating buildings in mind

Emergency plans inclusive to those with disabilities at the University of Idaho have a lot of variables. UI’s solution has been to create a list of self-identified disabled people who would need help exiting the building in the event of an emergency, like a fire.

Voting stickers courtesy
OPINION: There are more than two ways of thinking
America boosts a two-party system, but there is much more than that

Lately I’ve noticed that many people like to think in terms of black or white, right or wrong, this or that and right or left, especially when it comes to politics. You’re thought of as a Democrat or a Republican, with very few people seen as fitting in that awkward unknown space between. The Constitution party’s presidential candidate for 2020 is Don Blankenship.

Ammon Bundy being rolled out of the Capitol by Idaho State Police. | Ryan Suppe, The Idaho Press
OPINION: Double arrest deserved
Attention-hungry Bundy was served double for his trouble

At long last, Idaho’s insufferable Ammon Bundy got a taste of what he deserved. After months of causing trouble where nobody wanted it — such as him and his posse breaking their way into legislative sessions or filling rooms past their limits for proper social distancing — he got himself arrested for two misdemeanors twice in 24 hours.

OPINION: UI sends a message, not the right one
With mixed messages and hybrid classes, how much more confusing can 2020 get?

When University of Idaho President Scott Green announced on July 16 classes would be moved completely online after fall recess, I was a little shocked and very confused. I didn’t see a point in having students, faculty and staff return to Moscow if they were just going to go back to learning remotely for the latter part of the semester.

Protesters Zach Sugano, Thys Ballard, Chris Ward and Jordan Hardy lie in the street during the Aug. 23 protest | Kim Stager
Vandal Lives Over Profits hosts protests during orientation events
Students against holding in-person classes attend protests as University of Idaho classes begin

Vandal Lives Over Profits (VLOP), a student group against in-person classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, met on the Theophilus Tower Lawn with signs and a grim reaper costume Sunday evening.  The group members met on a Facebook group […]