Everything has an expiration date. The food in the fridge grows mold, shoes wear out, phones glitch out and childhood turns into adulthood. Endings are part of life. Each time […]
In our culture, we tend to condemn failing. Whether it is in school, at work or at home, failing often isn’t seen as acceptable. Failure makes us feel incompetent and […]
Every day we are being pitched to. We are told doing and having more will bring purpose and meaning to our lives — more followers on social media, more income […]
We share our time on earth with everyone else. Our experiences and perceptions are unique, but very similar. Every time you meet another human, you are meeting someone who experiences […]
“Men ruin everything.” It’s a phrase we hear often nowadays, but it isn’t helping anybody. I understand why people say it — many men have done terrible things. Many women […]
Everyone has a Facebook, but does anyone actually like it? There is a recent movement to leave Facebook called #DeleteFacebook, spurred on by news of a political data firm gaining […]
Money isn’t everything. This is something we know, but I think we could all stand to understand more deeply. Money is a tool. It is neutral. Neither good nor bad. […]
You need to know how to learn before you can be taught. Academic institutions often emphasize teaching students, but do little to contribute and ensure the student’s ability to learn. […]
Politics has always been unappealing to me. When I was younger, I just didn’t care. Now that I care, I’m tired of it. One of the biggest problems with politics […]
When life gets busy and there seems to be no extra time to do anything optional, the first thing we often neglect our hobbies. Although we love our hobbies, we […]