UI Interfraternity Council hosted axe throwing event Tuesday night

Students interested in Greek Life got to meet members and throw some pick-axes

Students pull axes out of the targets after taking a shot at them. Kali Nelson | Argonaut

Tuesday night while the snow started falling, University of Idaho’s Interfraternity Council hosted an axe throwing event outside of the Idaho Student Union Building. 

Members from each of the houses on campus and interested students in fraternity life gathered outside to wait in line for their chance to throw some axes. 

Yellow tape on the floor showed where to stand when throwing.
Kali Nelson | Argonaut

Ben Arnzen, assistant vice president of recruitment, said they are always looking to find people who are interested in Greek Life by hosting events for people to meet current members.

“We decided to do pick-axe throwing because it’s unique and it’s not in Moscow. And I don’t think a lot of people really know (about it) or have participated,” Arnzen said.  

Kali Nelson can be reached at arg-life@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @kalinelson6

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