University of Idaho to celebrate the 27th annual Cruise the World event

Discover diverse food, performances and festivities

Performers play music at the 26th Annual Cruise the World | Lilly Giger | Argonaut

Have you ever wanted to travel the world and explore different cultures, try new food and experience fun activities? The University of Idaho students and surrounding community members are welcome to attend the 27th annual Cruise the World event in the Bruce M. Pitman Center on Sunday, March 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The activities will take place in the International and Vandal Ballroom. 

Cruise the World is a feature event put on by the International Programs Office every year that celebrates the numerous cultures present in Moscow. Attendance is free and food and drinks can be purchased with cash only. 

Cruise the World is a great opportunity for locals to enjoy cuisine from around the world without having to leave town. With close to 25 different countries represented, community members will be able to learn about the world’s cultures through trying food or drinks from the many booths. There will also be an array of performances including songs, dances, martial arts and much more! 

A significant amount of work goes into getting this event ready every year. Many international students and community members begin preparing food and rehearsing for the performances several days in advance. 

Anyone who attends this year’s Cruise the World is sure to have an unforgettable time, learn many things and have the chance to make new friends. 

Sierra Rode can be reached at 

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