Joe Vandal sculpting sparks student engagement 

Final product to be completed by spring 2026

Sculptor Gareth Curtiss in the midst of creating the Joe Vandal statue model | Reagan Jones | Argonaut

Last week, sculptor Gareth Curtiss successfully created a model of a Joe Vandal statue, one that will honor the work of ASUI. The week was filled with interactive moments revolving around art and the Vandal community. 

The model, a smaller version of what’s to come, was created as students, faculty and passers-by got to watch and engage. 

ASUI President Martha Smith said that the realized statue will be built by Curtiss over the next year. It is projected to be done by spring 2026. 

Student feedback, an aspect that was critical from the start, is what Smith said made this such a success. 

“The Vandal Spirit is shown through the feedback from the student body and the enthusiasm we’ve received throughout the process,” Smith said. “It’s been really neat to watch alumni and current students be excited and engaged through this.” 

Day-to-day student engagement with the process demonstrated this. A unique opportunity, many people found great excitement in the art that was being made right before their eyes. 

Ari Morris, a second-year architecture student who witnessed the sculpture being crafted, agreed that the live work brought a unique engagement factor to the project. 

“I think the live sculpting was a great way to engage the student population and involve them in the process of making something permanent on the campus. By holding it in the ISUB, it not only draws interest from those passing through, but also creates involvement from people who may have had no clue what it was about,” Morris said. 

As a way to spark connection, Curtiss gave demonstrations and speeches throughout his days on campus, which could be seen by anyone walking past. 

Curtiss, a Montana native with decades of sculpting experience, was chosen to do the project out of a pool of dozens of applicants. For Smith, the selection process and ultimately working with him was the most thrilling part of the project. 

“I really enjoyed the artist selection. We had a ton of applicants and going through them helped me learn a lot about the world of art,” Smith said. “I’ve also really loved watching the project come to fruition after hours of brainstorming and deliberation.” 

Completed model Joe Vandal statue | Reagan Jones | Argonaut

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