Feb. 4 marked the culmination of nearly a full year of work on Vision 2050, the long-range campus development plan spearheaded by architecture planning firm SmithGroup. On Tuesday, the firm’s representative, Neal Kessler, laid out a final project summary and plan review before touching on the next steps to make Vision 2050 a reality.
Vision 2050 centers on connectivity throughout campus, building on the current foundation to establish a vibrant, fluid college community. Spanning over the next 25 years, it will take steps to make sure our campus remains strong and thriving for generations of UI students.
“It’s been really fantastic to have so many people involved,” Kessler said, regarding the project’s current standing. “[There are] so many voices that really care about the University of Idaho.”
Kessler discussed hopes to establish three distinct “zones” across campus, tentatively named Legacy Crossing, Campus Core and Athletics and Events.
Legacy Crossing would focus on the connection between downtown Moscow and the UI campus by expanding the Hello Walk through campus. The zone would center around what is now Paradise Creek, creating a walkable seam between the two. This district would establish mixed-use developments and include a medical education district, expanding on the Huckabay WWAMI building.
The Campus Core district is, true to its name, the central part of campus. These renovations would focus on prioritizing pedestrians, shutting down 6th Street for vehicle use, and focusing on campus walkability.
Finally, Athletics and Events would encapsulate the area surrounding the Kibbie Dome, refining the athletic sector.
From here, the project is now looking at the next steps to bring all of these ideas to fruition. Throughout the next couple months, documents will be finalized, cementing Vision 2050.
When asked for a statement regarding what this all means for current university students, Kessler said, “[It’s a] super exciting time for them. They’ve had a real voice in this process. Really big voice in what the future of their campus holds.”
He emphasized that while these renovations won’t be utilized by current students, they’ll be present “when they send their kids here.”
Julia Kolman can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu.