On Saturday, Oct. 26, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Theophilus Tower residents handed candy out to local children during the annual Tower Trick-or-Treat.
In the day’s prior, residents of each of the 11 floors decorated based on a variety of themes, including the Twilight, Shrek, and Star Wars films. Other, more broad themes included ‘steampunk’ and ocean. Volunteers were selected from each of the floors and provided with candy to give to the children.
Sawyer Kindall, a freshman, volunteered for the event because of his own fond memories of trick-or-treating.
“I wanted to bring that same vibe back for the kids. Seeing the kids being happy [and the creative costumes] were really cool.”
Mitchell Higdon, another freshman volunteer, echoed these sentiments.
“Halloween is about giving candy to kids and having a spooky season, and I think just giving back to the community. I think seeing all the costumes and seeing the variety of families that were here and being able to hang out with [the] people that I enjoy the most and some of the events, as well as decorating the floors, were really fun just because it gave me more time to have fun.”
Naturally, it wasn’t only the residents that enjoyed the event. Ali Jones, a mother who recently moved from Moscow to Lewiston with her children, still returns to Theophilus Tower year after year to partake in the festivities. “We had an awesome time. Floor nine was really good,” she said. “Very energetic. Everybody was being very supportive of everybody’s costumes and really sweet and helping people feel confident in the characters [that] they’re dressed as. It was a good experience for us.”
“Almost 600 people came to this year’s Tower Trick-or-Treat!” Housing & Residence Life announced in a post on their Instagram account. A vote was held to determine which floor had the best decorations, with the promise of a lounge upgrade to the floor that won. The second floor, with their theme of Gotham, was the winner.
Cal Torres can be reached at arg-life@uidaho.edu