October horoscopes

What's in store for you this October?

Aries (March 21-April 20): 

You’ve been having some struggles recently, Aries, but do not worry because the bad days will clear away soon. Let go of your inhibitions and guilt to capture your full potential this month. Perhaps you’ve been tangled up in the negative aspects of your life too often lately. October will cause you to face reality and gain clarity about your life. 

Taurus (April 21-May 20): 

You’ve been feeling uneasy lately, Taurus, but October will bring many smiles and laughter for you. People have been difficult to deal with and you’re often blaming yourself. Remain happy and do not let their behavior get you down. You’re a light in people’s lives and they will see that this month. Focus on your mirthful energy this month and cherish it. 

Gemini (May 21-June 20): 

Keep your eye out for the small details in your life, Gemini. Trust your intuition this month and go with your gut; it may surprise you. Stay focused on yourself and do not let your strong emotions overwhelm you. This month requires a lot of introspection for you, Gemini, but it will produce a lot of relief and weight off of your shoulders. 

Cancer (June 21-July 20): 

You may feel despair and that you have no options this month. Do not let these feelings take control and get you down. You have some fallback plans that will help you rise above these feelings. Focus on taking care of yourself this month, Cancer. You need some relaxation and quality time with yourself. You always put others first, but now it’s your turn to be put first. 

Leo (July 21-Aug. 20): 

Take a stand this month, Leo. You’re a confident person and that will help you greatly this month. You analyze situations deeply, but October is the time to act. Trust your opinions and the information you’ve ruminated on. You’re a leader that people are willing to follow and listen to, so take advantage of that this month. Jumping on these opportunities will bring you many successes. 

Virgo (Aug. 21-Sept. 20): 

Be bold this month, Virgo. Your knowledge is valuable and will be greatly appreciated by others. Do not let your overthinking hold you back. Stepping out of your normal routine will bring many wonderful opportunities to you. Understand that what you project will come back to you. October holds good karma for you, Virgo. 

Libra (Sept. 21-Oct. 20): 

You have big news this month, Libra. Many blessings will come your way, and you will feel very loved by the people closest to you. Take care of yourself and focus on keeping your mental and physical health in shape. Share your great news with your loved ones but be weary of the people who don’t share the love; they may have bad intentions for you this month.  

Scorpio (Oct. 21-Nov. 20): 

You may feel tense this month, Scorpio, but you need to release that tension to see the truth about your feelings. Take some time for yourself and work on strengthening your relationship with others. Be open to advice and working on yourself this month. October will be a very insightful month for personal growth. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec.ember 20): 

October brings comfort and security for you. Know that your well-being is protected this month. This comfort and protection will help you navigate through any tough situation you may face this month. Sit back and relax because October will be a wonderful month for you, Sagittarius. 

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): 

October will be a very busy month for you, Capricorn. Your professional life is growing and that may be overwhelming. Try to relax and trust yourself and the work you do. Your tenacity is very apparent and that will shine this month. Be sure to take time for yourself instead of working with no breaks. Praise yourself for your accomplishments, Capricorn. 

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 20): 

This month is going to be challenging for you, Aquarius. Focus on your finances and being more frugal this month. Keep your eyes on your success, whether that’s academically or professionally. Try to step out of your comfort zone and let loose; have some fun this month and be open to trying new things. 

Pisces (Feb. 21-March 20): 

Protect your peace this October, Pisces. You’ve been working extremely hard and know that it is not going unappreciated. You deserve a break from all the work you’ve been doing, so be sure to give yourself some quality relaxation time this month to avoid burnout. Take care of yourself and allow time to enjoy your hobbies and to hang out with your loved ones. This month will be very relaxing and calming for you, Pisces.

About the Author

Brooklynn Jolley Sophomore at the University of Idaho, majoring in Journalism with a minor in Psychology. I am a writer for the LIFE section.

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