ASUI prepares for homecoming week

ASUI wants to promote Vandal traditions during homecoming week

ASUI Vice President Emma Johnston at the Sept. 18 meeting | John Keegan | Argonaut

ASUI held their weekly meeting over Zoom on Sept. 25 after a giant dust storm hit Moscow hours before the meeting.  

At the meeting, ASUI President Martha Smith spoke about securing food for election day to distribute at the Recreation Center to incentivize students to vote in the election. This food will include pizza, soda and more.  

As two of the ASUI cabinet seats were not filled, Smith said that two more people will be joining the cabinet and will be introduced in future meetings.  

According to Smith, the Athletics Department has anticipated an overflow of student tickets for the homecoming football game. Due to this, they want to sell the overflow tickets for five dollars apiece.  

“We got together $750 to pay for an additional 150 student tickets so students will hopefully not have to pay for the overflow tickets,” Smith said. 

The first bill that was passed at the meeting was the purchase of $105 of Vandal face stickers for homecoming week.  

“I think that giving out these stickers will be a great way for people to be showing Vandal pride,” Senate Pro-Tempore Anya Zuercher said.  

The next resolution that was passed was a welcome to Alexa Benitez, Saúl Lorenzana and Emma Bolling to the ASUI senate.  

A new bill introduced was a recognition of the Homecoming Committee for working hard and upholding Vandal traditions.  

The next new bill that was passed plans purchase a $75 VandalStore gift card and candy to raffle off to residence hall students.  

“I think tabling will be a great way to inform new and returning students of the traditions we have for it,” Senator Bryan Juarez Ruiz said. “I’m hoping this will boost the number of people attending the [Homecoming] Parade and Serpentine.” 

Andrea Roberts can be reached at [email protected]. 

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