College of Business and Economics celebrates its centennial anniversary

Senator and alum James E. Risch sends his congratulations

College of Business and Economics Dean Lisa Victoravich presents during the centennial anniversary | Riley Vogt | Argonaut

On Friday, Sept. 13, the University of Idaho’s College of Business and Economics celebrated their 100-year anniversary with an event held in the courtyard of the J. A. Albertson Building.  

With an address delivered by the college’s dean, Lisa Victoravich, this occasion signified the great progress and innovation that the CBE has contributed to the university. Dozens of professors, staff members, students and alumni joined in to commemorate all that has been accomplished in the last century by the college, as well as what’s to come.  

Erick Larson, Student Engagement Director for the CBE, spoke to the importance of what this anniversary means. 

“Our anniversary signifies a century of growth, adaptation and success in preparing students to meet the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape,” Larson said.  

During the event, a letter written by Idaho’s 28th State Senator and UI alum, James E. Risch, was delivered by his regional director, Kasi Ralstin. In his letter, Risch reflected on his time at the university and offered congratulations for the work that has been accomplished by the CBE. 

“This milestone is a testament to the college’s enduring legacy of excellence and education that has significantly impacted the lives of countless students and strengthened our state,” Risch wrote.  

Among the top 5% of business schools worldwide, according to the CBE’s homepage, the college has been home to thousands of students over the years. The college also employs professors with a variety of business and other backgrounds, offering global perspectives on the many subjects they offer.   

When asked who she feels was the most influential staff member in the CBE, Lori Rock, the Marketing and Communications Manager for the college, gave an answer driven by the community. 

“True business is holistic – connecting people in ways that are bigger than any one person. No one does anything completely alone,” Rock stated. “Staff and faculty, together with students build community. Every. Single. Day.”  

Rock presents a speech | Riley Vogt | Argonaut

In looking toward the future of the college another century from now, Larson gave his prediction of what advancements will be made. 

“I envision the College of Business and Economics as a leader in sustainable and ethical business practices, with a strong emphasis on technology and innovation,” Larson said.  

With alumni from the class of 2024 back to the class of 1964 in attendance, the anniversary event brought together those who have been influenced and enriched by the CBE’s legacy and celebrates those who will be a part of it in the future.  

Paige Wilton can be reached at [email protected]. 

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