President Green gives 2024 State of the University Address

University details including enrollment, research, and budgeting discussed

President Scott Green has held his office since 2019 | Courtesy

President Scott Green gave his State of the University Address last Tuesday, August 13th. There, Green discussed the standings of UI, such as enrollment rates, research plans, and other opportunities for the University.

Student registration continues upward for UI, seeing seven straight semesters of enrollment growth.

Freshman classes are larger than ever, with 2022 having the largest class in school history, with 1,951 students. 2023’s freshman class fell only shortly behind, with 1,869 students.

On-campus housing also sees record-high numbers at a 99% occupancy rate for this upcoming semester.

President Green also addressed student-athletes with a collective GPA of 3.49, saying, “Get out and support student-athletes who are excelling not only in their sports but also in the classroom.”

During the Address, two guest speakers, Kevin Wing and Torrey Lawrence, accompanied President Green.

Wing, a UI student pursuing a degree in Computer Science, shared his involvement in research to develop weeding robots for tree seedling nurseries in Coeur d’Alene, referred to as Project Evergreen.

Torrey Lawrence, the University’s Provost and Executive vice president, discussed budget allocations and strategic planning on behalf of UI.

Various other projects were discussed by President Green, who shared that the University of Idaho conducts more research than all other Idaho institutions combined. Last year, $136 million was allocated to research expenditures.

Lastly, Green discussed the current status of the deal to acquire the University of Phoenix, saying the plan has been extended into June 2025. The Board of Regents will consider further amendments to the transaction proposal.

“I’m proud to be a Vandal,” President Green concluded during the Address. “While others talk, we do.”

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