New Saint Andrews permitted to expand offices to additional building downtown

City of Moscow allows Christ Church affiliated school to move administrative offices to new downtown building

414 S Main Street | Alison Cranney | Argonaut

Moscow’s Board of Adjustment voted last Tuesday to allow New Saint Andrews College offices to reside in their newly occupied downtown building, 414 S Main Street.  

The space, previously rented by Moscow Contemporary and the University of Idaho, has been under new leasing from NSA since February of this year.  

A public meeting was held on June 11th regarding a 2019 ordinance that prevented educational administration expansion in buildings downtown. Ben Mirkle, president of New Saint Andrews, was present in an attempt to appeal the ordinance, calling it “arbitrary and capricious.”  

The Board of Adjustment ultimately sided with Mirkle, concluding that it did not violate the ordinance because the building would not be used for student learning or coursework.  

The building has hosted an art gallery since the 1980s and will continue to do so under new management. Additionally, NSA plans to move some of its offices upstairs.  

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