Look out for the ASUI presidential election

Three candidates run for president

Candidates Justin Alder, Peyton Loffer, and Martha Smith with Emma Johnson | Courtesy

On March 25, ASUI closed its application time for candidates running for ASUI president, vice president, and six of the senators. This year marks a great turnout for presidential candidates with three students running for the position. Last year, Tanner McClain, the current ASUI president, ran unopposed.  

The three presidential candidates are Martha Smith, Peyton Loffer, and Justin Alder. Martha Smith has held the ASUI positions of adjutant, senator, pro tempore, and director of legislative affairs, and is running with vice presidential candidate Emma Johnston. Peyton Loffer, who has held the ASUI positions of senator, vice president adjutant, and chief of staff, and is currently the vice president, will run with vice president candidate Jack Schneider. Justin Alder will run for president with vice presidential candidate Sawyer Hamm, both of whom have no prior ASUI experience.  

Only three students turned in petitions to run for the six senator spots, including, Anya Zuercher who has been a senator for one year, Jalissa McDowell who is currently the vice president adjutant and Kaylee McColloch, a one-year senator.  

Another period for petitions to run for senator positions is expected to open again soon in order to find candidates to fill all six spots. President and vice president applications are closed, and the candidates will start campaigning from March 27 until the voting period from April 15 to April 17. 

“I’m really excited for this year’s election and to watch such an amazing group of candidates campaign,” McClain said.  

“One of the most effective ways you can influence the direction of the university is to pay attention and to vote for the candidates you want to represent you,” said Brandon Brackett, the University of Idaho’s director of student involvement. “Pay close attention, be engaged, and vote.”  

Candidates will attend candidate open forums prior to the voting period. The first open forum will be on March 28 in the LLC Trout Room at 7 p.m. The second open forum will be on April 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the ASUI Vandal Lounge in the ISUB. The last open forum will be on April 10 in the ISUB Atrium/Dining Area at noon. These open forums are an opportunity to get to know the candidates better before voting.  

Georgia Swanson can be reached at [email protected] 

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