Starring Millie Bobby Brown, “Damsel” is a movie that highlights the power of women and was released on March 8 which is also National Womens Day. Some characters in this movie were Princess Elodie played by Millie Bobby Brown, Prince Henry played by Nick Robinson, Queen Isabelle played by Robin Wright, Lady Bayford played by Angela Bassett and Lord Bayford played by Ray Winstone.
Throughout the film, we follow Princess Elodi as she is tricked into a marriage that is not for her best interest but rather a scheme of her father who will receive a large sum of money. As the plot turns darker, the movie emphasizes the strength of women, and the lengths people will go to for power but also to save the ones they love.
The movie begins in Princess Elodi’s homeland, showing how poor and needy her kingdom is. We then follow her to the kingdom which she is to marry into, which is dripping in wealth and prosperity. This blinds her father, Lord Bayford, to what is important, leading Elodi to get thrown into a cave with a dragon.
As Princess Elodi fights to survive, we see her change both physically and mentally, making it into an exciting movie to watch not knowing what challenge she will face next and how she will overcome it. She continues to fight despite her impossible situation, and ultimately her wits and grit are what keep her alive. This keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat through the whole movie, never having a dull moment.
Millie Bobby Brown did an excellent job of embracing her character, giving the audience a relatable but also strong woman who fights for her own life throughout the movie but also fights for other people.
Unfortunately, the ending of the movie was rushed and lacked the same energy, making the viewer almost cringe at the failed attempt for a dramatic flair. But besides this one negative moment, the rest of the movie was very entertaining to watch, never leaving the viewer bored or wanting more than what was given. So, if you are in the mood for a decent fantasy/adventure movie, this is the film for you.
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