Aries (March 21-April 20)
Remember that you can’t be everywhere at once this month. Ignore the fear of missing out and simply take a deep breath to enjoy your own company for a moment. It’s okay to say no when your commitments are more than you can handle, and taking some time to cultivate self-care and positive habits in your life will leave you refreshed and help dissipate some of the burnout you’ve been feeling.
Taurus (April 21-May 20)
As your work starts to pile up and your stress increases, it may be time to consider reaching out and collaborating with those around you. Reach out to a coworker or classmate this month. You will be surprised at how willing others are to work with you and the benefits that you both will reap by combining your knowledge and ideas. The new connections you make this month will bolster your career and help you both reach greater success.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
This March, you must shake off the fear of failure that is holding you back and take a bold step forward. Your creative side has been waiting to be released into the world, and now is your time to let loose and put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid of what others will think. Do something outside of the box and you will see a ripple effect of confidence and success in all aspects of your life.
Cancer (June 21-July 20)
Out with the old and in with the new this month. 2024 has been a challenging year already for you, but just because it is March does not mean it is too late to take a deep breath and make a fresh start for yourself. Reassess your goals and routines and reprioritize what you want from the year. You can achieve all your goals, so do not let the start of the year discourage you.
Leo (July 21-Aug. 20)
You have been working so hard to bring the future you want into reality, but putting your head down and working without taking a break will only lead to burn-out and exhaustion. Take some time this month to explore your passions and embrace your social side. You will not regret carving out time to enjoy the company of others and live in the moment. The future joy you are striving toward can be found right here in the present.
Virgo (Aug. 21-Sept. 20)
There are some big, possibly life altering, decisions coming up this month and you must be careful not to act too impulsively when making these choices. Consult trusted friends and family before making any decisions this month. While it is good to trust your intuition, sometimes the voice of reason and discernment is best found outside of yourself.
Libra (Sept. 21-Oct. 20)
Do not allow yourself to be passive in your own life this month – you can do more than sit back and let what you want to pass you by. You cannot let the perceptions of others dictate how you live your life. Chase boldly after your dreams no matter what anyone else might think.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 – Nov. 20)
You have been working so hard, which is admirable, but you must not let yourself be swallowed up by your commitments and work. This month may be a much-needed opportunity to return to the activities and people that have brought you joy and life in the past. Get outside to soak up the early spring sunshine, reach out to an old friend, pick up an old hobby again. Whatever it is that makes you happy, carve out some intentional time in your schedule to make it happen this month.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20)
This month may be the time to take a hard look at how what you are doing right now is helping you reach your goals for the future. Think about how your current self can support future you, and make sure your actions are aligned with what you want for yourself several years from now.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)
This month it is important that you take the first steps to reconcile the relationships that are broken in your life. The conversations you need to have will be hard, but you must stop avoiding them and reach out to heal and extend forgiveness. No matter what happens, the restored connection or closure will bring a sense of peace into your life that will allow you to have more clarity and focus in all aspects of your life.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 – Feb. 20)
There is potential for a promising new relationship or friendship revealing itself this month. But as exciting as the prospect of new love or friendship may be, you may want to look at yourself and what issues in your heart need resolved before you can trust your heart with someone else. Do not commit to another until you feel as if you are comfortable and confident with yourself. Be careful with your heart and the heart of any potential partners or friends.
Pisces (Feb. 21-March 20)
It is ok to say no to opportunities that do not align with your long-term vision and goals for your life. There is no shame in prioritizing how and when you spend your time and energy. You must put your own needs first. By prioritizing the events and efforts you give your time to, you will have more focus and energy to do your best in the pursuits you choose to put first.
Grace Giger can be reached at [email protected]