ASUI President Tanner McClain is looking towards bringing more attention to the Tradition Keepers to bring back the 15 traditions.
“Tradition Keepers is a program created in 2009 by the Student Alumni Relations Board,” Lauren Young, director of Vandal Traditions, said, “It was created for students and alumni engagement in hopes that it would create a stronger bond between alumni and students.”
This program was popular for a long time, leading to the creation of two books that highlight the various university traditions. To become a Tradition Keeper, you must complete 15 of the vandal traditions from the traditions book, when you will receive a lapel pin.
Young and other members of ASUI decided to do a bucket list day and used the Tradition Keeper List as a template. “I was very inspired by this program and wanted to be involved further,” Young said. To promote the program, Young became ASUI Director of Vandal Traditions.
Spreading news of the Traditions Keeper program is a hard task nowadays, students will only find the information by word of mouth or on the Internet. SARB shares the program on social media every Friday. Their posts cover different traditions on campus and link to the book.
SARB, in partnership with ASUI, tables once a month for Traditions. “You can find us tabling at large events like ASUI’s winter social on Feb. 21 from 6-8 p.m.,” Young said. “I am very passionate about this project and have presented the program to ASUI and the Office of Alumni Relations.”
ASUI is excited to bring this project back. McClain and Young are working together to spread more knowledge about the program.
Grace Boehland can be reached at
steve kimes
"students will only find the information by word of mouth or on the Internet. SARB shares the program on social media every Friday." ok, where on social media?