Members return to Delta Tau Delta after $1.3 million renovation

A flooded basement led to the house's expensive update

Work equipment sits outside the Delta Tau Delta house during the renovation | John Keegan | Argonaut

The members of Delta Tau Delta have finally returned to their homes after a year of being away, now brand new and renovated.   

 In December 2022, Delta Tau Delta had a pipe burst, forcing the fraternity to leave their home in February 2023 and find residency elsewhere while renovations took place.   

The burst pipe flooded the fraternity basement while the University of Idaho was on winter break. Chapter President Lucas Miller called it “a big swing in temperature” where it reached negative twenty degrees outside.   

The fraternity resided in Farmhouse’s home with President Ty Sherman most of the time they were away.

“They were phenomenal to be with. They all are super respectful to me and the property and were fun to live,” Sherman said. 

Paying for these places didn’t cost any more than living in the house itself.

Lucas Miller, a member of Delta Tau, said, “We took the costs for living with utilities and cut it to pay for rent.”

No extra financial burden was placed on the Delts, and they still had a comfortable place for all of them to stay.   

Instead of fixing and renovating what was damaged, the house had an entire makeover, revamped and refurnished.

“They took down most of the infected drywall, reframed, took out all carpets, redid flooring and bathrooms,” said Miller.

An addition was a new room for trophies, and everything was refurbished, costing the operation an estimate of $1.3 million.   

To pay for this project that insurance couldn’t cover, the fraternity had some help from their alumni during a capital campaign they held for fundraising the extra costs of the new alterations.  

The renovation was completely in the hands of the contractors as Miller mentioned the house’s little management on it all. The time was worth the wait in the chapter president’s eyes.

“I think they went above and beyond expectations. They made everything look ten times better,” he said.

Sophia Newell can be reached at 

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