Life Hacks: Jan. 10 – 14 

What’s happening at UI this week?  

Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal
Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal

Welcome back Vandals! The start of the Spring 2024 semester means new classes and new opportunities to learn and have fun. Check out these exciting events and activities happening this week on campus! 

Late Night at the Rec 

Students can start the semester off right with a fun night of games and activities at Late Night at the Rec this Friday from 9 – 11 p.m. in the Student Rec Center. Students can also drop by the Well Space Open House in SRC room 102 happening at the same time to learn about Well Space and spend time with friends. Both events are free to students, and everyone is welcome! 

Laughter Yoga 

On Friday from noon -12:30 p.m. students can relax and have fun with Laughter Yoga happening in the SRC room 103. Destress after the first week of classes and start the year off by prioritizing your health with this fun yoga session. 

Esports Tryouts 

The UI Esports team will be holding tryouts for several different game teams for the entirety of the week. Tryouts being held this week include Fortnite, Madden, Mortal Kombat 1, Teamfight Tactics, Hearthstone, Rainbow 6 and Smash Ultimate. The full list of tryout information and times can be found here, and more information about the Esports team can be found here

Vandal Athletics 

Both Men’s and Women’s Basketball will be playing in the ICCU Arena this Saturday against Eastern Washington University. The Women’s team will play at 1 p.m. and the Men’s game will start at 4 p.m. 

Grace Giger can be reached at 

About the Author

Grace Giger Argonaut Life Editor and Senior at the University of Idaho studying English Education.

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