Finals are coming up quickly, and it can be hard to manage your stress during this time. Finals are important, but don’t forget to take care of yourself and your mental health too! Here are 10 ways you can de-stress before finals.
- Reading a good book.
Reading through your textbooks and notes may get tiring and maybe you’re looking for something of more sustenance, or something to take your mind to a completely different place. Curling up with a good book is a nice way to shift gears, take your mind off your worries and pretend like you’re somewhere else entirely.
- Practicing a Hobby
Doing something you love, or something that you’re good at, can be refreshing compared to the demands of studying. Whether your hobby is crocheting, baking/cooking, drawing, or something else, it’s definitely a fun way to reduce your stress by doing something creative!
- Spend Time with Your Friends and Family
Surrounding yourself with positive people can help scare away those worries and negative thoughts! Taking some time to relax with friends and family is a good way to boost your serotonin and happy thoughts, and maybe even get some laughter out too. You know what they say, “Laughter is the best medicine.”
- Avoid Procrastination
Easier said than done, right? But you can do it! Staying on top of your schoolwork will lessen your stress levels tremendously. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Not having to cram everything in at once allows you time to breathe and take things easy.
- Listen to Music
No matter the music you enjoy, it can make everything better to jam out to your favorite songs, bands, and artists! Sometimes listening to music can make everything seem much better. Give yourself some time to relax, take a break from everything and just focus on listening to some good music.
- Indulge in Coloring
Coloring is a fun and creative activity that can help lower stress levels and anxiety. Coloring allows you to focus on something that isn’t strenuous to your brain, and it will put you in a better mindset too. It’s not just for kids, so go get yourself a coloring book and some markers!
- Do Some Physical Activity
Participating in some physical activity is a great stress reliever. Don’t be afraid to get out there and get moving! A little exercise goes a long way, and you can pick whatever physical activity or sport you want. Maybe try including some of your friends in your activity or sport too!
- Watch TV
Sometimes curling up in bed with some snacks and a good show is the best way to relax. Watch your favorite movie or show, as long as it makes you happy. Try inviting some friends or family over and make it a fun movie night!
- Get Enough Sleep
Seems easy enough, right? During stressful times, it can be easy to forget about your sleep schedule and not get the proper amount of sleep you need. Prioritize your sleep schedule and make sure you’re catching enough Z’s!
- Ask for Help
Reaching out to friends, family members, professors, or whoever else can help you is always a good thing! Don’t be afraid to use your resources and ask for help whenever you need it! Tackling problems together is better and much less stressful than trying to do everything by yourself.
Brooklynn Jolley can be reached at