The new senators were announced this Wednesday at the ASUI meeting. The five newly elected senators for the 2024 Spring Semester are: Emily Scrupps, Johnathan Morton, Mason Rossi, Pandey Palak and Zoha Aqeel.
With twelve candidates running in the election and only five senate seats available, students around campus witnessed the campaign and used their votes to elect the new senators.
ASUI unanimously passed three new bills.
F23-R08 is a resolution to encourage students to attend the Coats for Vandals event on Nov. 16 from 2-4 p.m. in the Clearwater room. This event will be open to any student in need of a winter coat.
“This resolution is just aimed to inform our students across campus about this upcoming event that is a great opportunity to get some used coats at no additional cost,” Senator Jack Schneider, who sponsored the bill, said when discussing the event.
F23-B11 is for ASUI to donate used coats for the Coats for Vandals event.
“This bill is [ASUI’s] opportunity as ASUI to become active in the event and support it actively,” Senator Schneider, who is sponsoring the resolution, said in response to the bill.
S23-B12 is an act that will allow ASUI to purchase hot chocolate for students so that they can meet the members of ASUI during a tabling event.
“Students at the University of Idaho should be aware of the ASUI team, how to get in contact with both directors and senators, and what the elected and appointed members do to help their student experience,” sponsor of the bill Senator Emily Scrupps said. “At the end of the day, it’s all about the students.”
Two new bills were introduced during the meeting.
F23-R10 is a resolution supporting International Men Day as well as mental health awareness for men. The theme for the month is called: Zero Male Suicide. With this resolution, ASUI hopes to encourage and promote mental health resources to men and promote gender equality.
“Mental health shows no boundaries and affects individuals from different demographics,” Senator Nate Trachimowicz, who is sponsoring the bill, said. “Specifically for men, it is often looked down upon to seek mental health assistance.”
F23-R11 is a bill that is honoring Fred Cornforth and his contributions. This bill was also shared by Boise State University and Idaho State University. Cornforth has consistently provided contributions to the Vandal Food Pantry as well as other areas of the University. This bill would lead to the annual ‘Cornforth Challenge’ where each university will try and support their local food pantry.
“I would like to, on behalf of the [students] of the University of Idaho, thank Fred Cornforth for his legacy and all the work he has done in providing for the students,” sponsor of the bill Senator Pro-Tempore Emma Johnston said.
Andrea Roberts can be reached at