Last month, the Mu lota Chapter of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity at the University of Idaho was awarded the Cheney Cup for the 2022-23 academic year. The Cheney Cup is Phi Gamma Delta’s highest achievement, given to the chapter that demonstrates the greatest all-around efficiency in scholarship, fraternity relationships, and general collegiate activities.
Phi Gamma Delta was established in 1849 and UI’s Mu lota Chapter was founded in 1920. Prior to this year, the Mu lota chapter was awarded the Cheney Cup in 1937 and 1969.
Joe Harle, a Phi Gamma Delta Mu lota Chapter freshman in 1938-39, remembers the first time the Mu lota Chapter was awarded the Cheney Cup.
“So glad to learn that Mu Iota is considered in this generation as the best chapter, as my generation in 1938 was the best,” said Harle.
The Mu lota Chapter also earned first-place awards for the 2022-23 academic year for Best Chapter Publication for the third consecutive year, and the Owen Cup for Greatest Scholastic Improvement.
Phi Gamma Delta acknowledged the Mu lota Chapter with nine other awards.
Mitch Sonnen, president of Mu Iota’s Board of Chapter Advisors, was runner-up as the Top Fraternity Advisor. The Mu lota Chapter also finished second in the Condon Cup, which demonstrates the greatest improvement in scholarship, extracurricular activities and fraternity relationships. The Mu lota Chapter also tied for third in the Baker Cup, which is related to religious, ethical, and social service, and the Brightman Trophy, which is related to undergraduate and graduate relations.
The Mu Iota Chapter also earned a Certificate of Academic Achievement because their chapter’s grade-point average was above Idaho’s all-men’s average.
Rob Caudill, the Phi Gamma Delta executive director said, “You [the Phi Gamma Delta Mu lota Chapter] should be very proud. With a lot of grit, effort and persistence, great things are possible. This says you’re the best. This shows you’re in a new era of Mu Iota.”
Jaxon Cherry, a junior Phi Gamma Delta Mu lota Chapter member said, “When we got back to the house, everyone was jumping around and yelling. We’re so proud to call ourselves No. 1.”
Georgia Swanson can be reached at