Gallery: Spring 2023 career fair 

A career fair for students to look for job opportunities

An overview of the Career Fair where students can talk to potential employers | Richard Simmons | Argonaut

The University of Idaho Spring Career Fair occurred Wednesday and with it many students and employers packed themselves into one side of the Kibbie Dome.  

Students from a multitude of majors showed up to try and find ways to get their foot in the door of one of the many companies on display. Students were looking for both internships and their first jobs out of college.  

The employers ranged from local companies like Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and Washington State University, to police forces from around the state like Moscow Police Department, the Idaho State Police and out of state opportunities like the Portland City Police Department had all shown up to sell students on a future career.  

Government agencies such as The Idaho Department of Lands and the United States Forest Service also had booths looking for anything from seasonal firefighters to natural scientists and engineers.  

TV station KHQ was also in the mix looking for internships for potential reporters, weather reporters, and anchors. As well as many more like Simplot or frozen potato producer Lamb Weston. 

Students mingling as they are looking at what employers are at the Career Fair | Richard Simmons | Argonaut
The ballistic helmet and vest of the Moscow Police Department, who are recruiting new members | Richard Simmons | Argonaut
A student talking to members of the Marine ROTC unit| Richard Simmons | Argonaut
Multiple students talking to the booths to learn what opportunities are available at some employers | Richard Simmons | Argonaut

Richard Simmons can be reached at 

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