The Moscow Police Department provided new information regarding the King Road homicides, revealing the existence of an additional person on the residence’s lease.
Detectives are aware of a sixth person that is listed on the lease but do not believe they were present during the murders. There is no information regarding if they have interviewed the tenant.
Idaho State Police Forensic Services are sending test and analysis results to detectives, with results to be released. However, specific results will be withheld to protect the investigation’s integrity.
The MPD stated that they are still under the belief that it was a targeted attack, but investigators still have not concluded if the target was the residence or the occupants of the house. This pertains to the comments made by Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson regarding the target of the attack.
Official information regarding the case can be found on the MPD’s city website.
Daniel V. Ramirez can be reached at or on Twitter @DVR_Tweets