UI offers remote options in wake of student deaths

The final weeks of the semester can be completed virtually

University of Idaho’s Administration Building | Connor Anderson | Argonaut

Students will have the option to attend classes virtually, President Scott Green said in a University of Idaho communication.  

With the tragic murders of four UI students and an ongoing investigation by Moscow Police, the university will be leaving the decision to students as to whether they would like to return to campus.  

Faculty have been asked to prepare both in-person and remote options for their classes, Green wrote in the communication.  

Students will be able to choose whichever they prefer, meaning some may not return to Moscow for the final few weeks of the semester. Students should expect to hear from professors about options in the coming days.  

The communication also noted that moving classes fully online is not preferred but “may be necessary in limited situations.” 

The Fall 2022 commencement ceremonies are planned to remain as usual. 

Returning from the break, a vigil will be held on Nov. 30 on UI’s Administration Building Lawn. 

“As we gather with family and friends this week, remember those who have empty seats at their tables. Remember those who grieve,” Green wrote. “This senseless crime has shaken us all. It has also brought us closer, caused people to step up and support one another, and perform selfless acts of kindness. For that, I am thankful for this Vandal Family.”    

Haadiya Tariq can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @haadiyatariq 

About the Author

Haadiya Tariq I am a senior at the University of Idaho, majoring in journalism and sociology with a minor in international studies. My final year at our publication, I am the Editor in Chief for 2022-2023.

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