The ASUI met Wednesday night to pass and introduce a collection of resolutions in relation to the spending of their budget, as well as two resolutions aimed at faculty.
The Senate passed unanimously a bill to 3D print a new King Spud, a statue passed back and forth between the University of Idaho and Idaho State University as part of our football rivalry.
The Senate also voted on a bill allocating $200 for the purchase of flags for Veterans Day. Veteran’s Day is Nov. 11, and the senate wished to commemorate veterans on campus by placing flags along the Admin lawn.
“Veterans have committed the most selfless act of fighting for our country, for our friends and family, our freedoms and liberties,” Senator Nate Trachimowicz said.
The senate also passed this bill unanimously.
The ASUI then voted on a resolution to encourage the University in its hiring of a new director of Africana studies. The Senate passed this resolution unanimously.
The ASUI then introduced a bill to purchase vanilla cupcakes for the purpose of national vanilla cupcake month, as well as National Gratitude Month.
The ASUI then passed a bill on purchasing shirts for the Senate, which passed unanimously.
The ASUI also introduced two new bills to be discussed next week on midterm grades and showing appreciation to Coach Eck.
Abigail Spencer can be reached at [email protected] or on twitter @ABairdSpencer