Life Hacks: August 29 – Sept. 4

What’s happening at UI this week?

Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal
Life Hacks logo | Riley Helal

Welcome back Vandals! As the Fall semester kicks off, here are some exciting events and activities to keep an eye out for. The first part of the semester is the perfect time to get out and meet new people, and there’s something for everyone happening this week.  

To start, if interested in playing intramurals, the deadline to sign up for several of the team sports is this Tuesday, Aug 30. Soccer and Wiffleball teams need to be signed up by this Tuesday, and deadlines for other sports are coming up soon. Intramurals are a great opportunity to get active and make friends with some friendly competition. Anyone is welcome to make a team, so if interested, find some friends and sign up to ensure your spot. More information and sign up forms can be found here.  

Several fun events are happening this Thursday, starting with laughter yoga at the Admin Lawn from 1:30 – 2 p.m. Relax, recharge and laugh with others on the campus community in a fun way to destress from the beginning of the semester.  

Secondly, anyone in need of fresh produce can stop by the Thursday Market at the Soil Stewards Farm from 3-5 p.m. The Soil Stewards Farm is selling organic produce, and all proceeds support the student-run farm located at 425 Farm Road in Moscow.  

Join the Women’s Center this Friday for Friday Crafternoons from 12 – 2 p.m. in the Memorial Gym, room 109. Food and supplies are provided, just bring yourself and a willingness to learn a new craft. Such a fun and easy way to make friends and get creative this week.  

Lastly, this Saturday, everyone has a chance to root on our Vandal Football at the UI vs. WSU game at 6:30 in Pullman. This exciting rivalry game will be at the Gesa Field in Pullman, with the Tailgate starting at 3:30. If interested in taking the Joe Bus to the tailgate for transportation and fun before the game, tickets are $25 in advance and $35 the day of. Tickets can be purchased here.  

Grace Giger can be reached at    

About the Author

Grace Giger Argonaut Life Editor and Senior at the University of Idaho studying English Education.

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