University students back on campus

As students return to campus here’s some places you may need to remember

The student union building which serves as a hub for many campus activities | Connor Anderson | Argonaut

With summer ending, students are returning to campus, and classes are starting again. There are a few places new students should know about. Apart from the buildings where classes are held, it’s helpful for students to know about places to study or relax.  

During these warmer months, there are options like the Admin Lawn or the Arboretum. During the colder months, students can utilize study rooms across campus or in the university library. 

The academic mall which serves as a pathway between classes for students | Connor Anderson | Argonaut
Hello Walk is a path through the park in front of the admin building that the first president used | Connor Anderson | Argonaut

About the Author

Connor Anderson Senior at the University of Idaho, majoring in Architecture. I am the Design Editor for the 2024-2025 academic year.

1 reply

  1. Debbie Donovan

    Beautiful campus!

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