OTC- Freshman year memories

Student Media 

My freshman year of college is full of some of the best memories of my life. The people I met, the places I went and the things that I did were all so unforgettable. If I had to pick just one though, it would have to be either completing my first radio show for KUOI or seeing one of my articles in a physical copy of The Argonaut. Although so much has happened since then, those were two of my first big memories at the University of Idaho 

-James, Sports Editor 

Wallace dorms 

I don’t necessarily have one favorite memory from freshman year, rather it’s just all the time I spent hanging out with my roommates. I was lucky to go into my freshman year living with two people I had been friends with since middle and high school, but living in the Wallace dorms, we did have a random fourth roommate. This fourth person we didn’t know became a good friend of all of us.  

All of my favorite memories are just the four of us and our other friend hanging out in our tiny dorm room playing “Mario Golf,” watching “The Gentleman” or just hanging out. We spent so much time together it would be hard to just pick one memory as my favorite when there are probably a dozen I could choose from. 

-Mark, Opinion Editor 


My favorite part of freshman year of college was meeting my roommates for the first time. I was worried the whole summer if my roommates and I would get along but the very first day I met them I knew it would be fine. From then on, they have been my friends at college and talked me into doing many things that I am glad I’ve done. One of my roommates even encouraged me to join The Argonaut staff which rekindled my love for photography. 

-Connor, Multimedia Manager 

Moscow Mountain 

When I think back on freshman year, the best part was definitely all the people I met and the friends I made. I have so many amazing memories, but all my favorites have to do with spending time with friends and getting to know people better.  

One that stands out the most is when three friends and I decided to drive up Moscow Mountain one random Saturday afternoon. We all piled in one of their trucks, blasted country music, drove up as far as the road would take us, and then got out and enjoyed the sunshine and view. We had some great conversations, and I hold that memory so fondly because that was when we were all just starting to get to know each other, and now they’re some of my closest friends. 

-Grace, LIFE Editor 

Smoke season 

My favorite experience during my freshman year was the smoke that came from California two years ago. I left UI as most of my classes could be done online and headed back to work to make some more money. I packed my things and started to head out on the Friday that school got canceled due to the smoke.  

Driving through Moscow to the Idaho-Montana border and seeing how the smoke made everything look was amazing. I love the drive leaving Moscow, but this one was unique because the smoke gave the surroundings a creepy vibe.    

-Daniel, Digital Director 

Greek Life 

My favorite freshman memory is running home to my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta. It was an amazing way to tee off my semester and has made the rest of my college career so wonderful. Especially with COVID-19 my freshman year, I think without my sorority and my sisters, I probably would not have survived my freshman year.  

My sorority brought me so many experiences to bring me into the UI community, even getting me into student media. 

– Abigail, News Editor 

Theophilius Tower 

My freshman year, I lived in the Tower, the crowded freshman dorms where I met most of my college friends. Clicking with my roommate and other people on different floors, we soon had an open door policy. Some days I would come back from class with one of my friends taking a nap in my bed.  

While it was an exhausting time socially, I’ve never had more fun in my day to day. I’ll always remember looking at Tower across campus as I walked back after a long day, comfortable knowing that my friends would be there to hang out. 

-Haadiya, Editor-in-Chief 

The Argonaut staff can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu 

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