While votes are being finalized, here are the unofficial results of Moscow’s election, updated as of 10:27 p.m.
Mayoral race
The anticipated winner is Art Bettge, with over 2,000 votes more than runner-up Jim Gray.
Art Bettge | 3,480 votes | 65.44%
Jim Gray | 1,132 | 21.29%
Olivia Moses | 480 | 9.03%
Barb Rathbun | 226 | 4.25%
City council race
The anticipated winners for the three positions are Hailey Lewis, Julia Parker and Gina Taruscio, each with over 20% of the votes.
Melissa L. Cline | 306 votes | 2.03%
Shaun Darveshi | 385 | 2.56%
Steve Harmon | 1,145 | 7.61%
Hailey Lewis | 3,689 | 24.51%
Julia Parker | 3,535 | 23.49%
Jason Stooks | 1,097 | 7.29%
Gina Taruscio | 3,199 | 21.25%
Kyrk Taylor | 1,696 | 11.27%
Votes may change as ballots are finalized.
The Argonaut will update as votes are finalized.
Haadiya Tariq can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @haadiyatariq
Jonetta Kurtz
Nothing wrong with liberalism. Empathy goes hand in hand.
As has been stated, Moscow has been "progressive" for a long time. I always hear people on the right talk about what a nice little community we have but then are shocked or complain when they find out how progressive this town actually is. Here's a thought, maybe people like living in a well run town with a nice community regardless of who is in charge. The people who have made things divisive in our community are the ones who want to change the thriving unique culture of Moscow and make it into a cookie cutter of the rest of the small communities in Idaho.
cool story Tracy. If you took the time to research and know what they wanted to do instead of guessing you'd know that they are locals of moscow. Like some have commented Moscow is just different then most places in Idaho which is good. Quit with the stupid Red or Blue. The candidates that won know this area and Moscow Has always been a little liberal in general. Brenda comments are just crazy. God and government are meant to be separated but enjoined.
I have lived in Moscow for over thirty years, and I had never voted in the local elections until this year. Hearing a candidate deliver conspiracy theories was appalling and deeply worrisome. I knew I had to help protect my city. Seeing the results, I am relieved that the steep majority of Moscow stands on the side of health, science and sanity.
AE McLaughlin
Paul, I agree. My family roots go back generations in Moscow and the surrounding county. It’s always been liberal. These people are messing with the wrong town because Moscow’s commitment to liberal values like sustainability, community and equity are deep and pure. We are not giving up our “Paradise.” Period.
Brenda Ahmann
I am very saddened at the election results. Most people today have been swept up in a liberal mindset which is bad for our community. Healthy and happy communities are based on love of the traditional family and American pride. I fear the elected do not want this. They want to be “progressive” but in the end they will turn our community into a Portland with all the problems they have. Liberal leadership is many times lacking insight to what makes life good- Godly principals put into our laws and ways of governance. Brenda Ahmann
Moscow has been a deeply liberal city for decades, if you really hate it that much, consider living in another more conservative city like Lewiston or CDA or most of eastern Washington
I agree with you whole heartedly. I do not know the candidates and did not vote as I only recently moved here. I moved to be in a place with people who had their hearts in the right place for this country. I fled a state that became very liberal. I am sorry to learn that Latah County is turning liberal. I hope this could change if enough people life me move here and can swing it back to red.
I’m going to say basically what PB said below to Brenda, but Latah has been blue for decades and if you weren’t happy with liberal leadership maybe you should have done a little more research before moving to the only blue county in Idaho. Please don’t move more people here as Moscow can’t sustain water for this area with the amounts of building that is even currently happening, but I would instead recommend being more cognizant to the area you’re moving to next time before complaining about an election that you did not participate in. BP
Latah County hasn't voted republican since 2004 and that was a close race, the last race where a republican candidate strongly beat a democratic candidate was in 2000, we've been a liberal community for a LONG time, the fact that you "fled" a democratic state and didn't bother to take 30 seconds on Google and realize that Moscow is one of 2 strongly liberal areas of the state sounds a lot like your fault. If you want to live in a conservative area, move to quite literally any other city in the state other than Sun Valley/Ketchum and maybe Boise
Brenda, have you considered moving to literally any other town in Idaho? Moscow has been deeply committed to the values of equality, progress, and sustainability for decades. This "blue island" is the only place in North Idaho that consistently votes this way. What is it patriots like to tell the left? "If you don't like it, leave". Well, lucky for you all the major surrounding communities are traditional, Christian, white, republican strongholds. Take care. -PB