OPINION: The Positive Impact College Can Have on Students

When you apply yourself, college can be a wonderful place to rediscover who you really are

Dani Moore | Argonaut
Dani Moore | Argonaut

College is an interesting step in life for many, and the first real decision many students make. Taking your future in your hands and deciding where you’d like to spend the next few years of your life, what you’d like to do career-wise, what college activities and housing you’d like to be a part of, is a daunting task. For me, college opened new doors, and taught me life lessons that I’ll be able to carry with me wherever I go. 

True, college is a great place to learn more about your field, and the world around us. But it’s also a great place to learn about yourself. Being able to be almost fully independent and learn things on my own has helped me become better, not just as a student, but as a person. I have learned time management, how to take care of myself physically and mentally, and most importantly, who I truly am. 

Whoever told you that high school is supposed to be the greatest years of your life was lying to you. I’m not saying that college is supposed to be either. I haven’t lived long enough to experience post-college to truly have a say on that. But for me, college was a way for me to break out of the mold, and choose to live a life on my terms. 

The way that I act, dress and present myself has changed drastically throughout the past three years. Being able to interact in a new environment and being able to step away from the often disapproving atmosphere that many small towns unfortunately tend to have towards people who are against the norm was extremely empowering for me. I felt that I had more freedom to finally dress the way I wanted, and to pursue hobbies and interests of mine that were not popular in my hometown. 

The cultural mix that universities incorporate allows students to intermingle with people from different countries, states, and backgrounds, giving them valuable insight on other people’s lives. I’ve gotten the chance to meet so many different people here, and made valuable friendships that I will carry with me wherever I go. 

Another thing I’ve gained throughout college is growth in my faith. Here, I have had to make the decision to go to church on my own, to test myself when there is no one forcing me to attend. I have sampled many of the different youth groups on campus, seeing what felt right to me, allowing me to have a glimpse of others interpretations of religion. Giving people the choice as to what they believe in typically makes them stronger in their faith, because they are doing it on their own terms, and exercising free will. 

There are many who disapprove of the way that students change once they leave for college, harnessing ideas that students come back “liberal” and so much different than the people that they knew. I argue that college is a chance to let people choose their own fates, to decide exactly who they are without the influences of others, and to properly begin to grow in the ways that they want to. 

As someone who previously stayed in her hometown her entire life, adjusting to a new school, a new town, and an entirely new state was definitely a shift. However, with my senior year quickly about to come to an end, I can truthfully say I am glad for what this chapter of my life has taught me. These past few years have allowed me to bloom in ways I never thought imaginable, and have truly made me into someone my younger self would be proud of. 

Dani Moore can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu

About the Author

Dani Moore I'm a senior at University of Idaho, majoring in Studio Arts with a Creative writing minor. I write opinion articles for The Argonaut, and photograph and design for BLOT newspaper on the side.

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