Last year’s de-stress week, all events were held online due to COVID-19 concerns. They couldn’t cancel since de-stress week is an essential time for students to relax before finals week rolls along. Now at a time where stress is still high, Vandal Health is making sure that they can accommodate them to help ease their stress.
This year, de-stress week will feature a mixture of some online, but also some in-person events as well. Some traditional relaxing events, like yoga, are still being done. However, for this year there are a few new items.
For one, they are offering grocery store tours where students can sign up with a small group and go to Safeway. They will learn about pricing and tricks on how to spot healthy food by looking at the nutritional facts.
There are also therapy dogs for students to pet to relieve stress. Events will be featuring plants, workshops and a mindfulness drop-in. On Thursday there’s even a mountain bike ride being held by the Outdoor Program; participants have to bring their own bike.
From May 2 to May 8, the I Am Resilient virtual 5K will be occurring. People can sign up at any time on the University of Idaho website. Participants can walk, bike outside or at the gym at any pace they want. If they submit a photo of them doing their route, they can be entered to win a Hydro Flask.
“Every year we do a 5K called Dash after dark that’s held at about 9 p.m. or so with glow sticks and it’s a chance for folks to kind of get out and move around campus at a time when maybe most folks typically aren’t out and about on campus,” Amanda Ferstead, the mental health coordinator said. “But this year with COVID restrictions we decided that it was probably the best and safest option for our participants to go virtual and give folks time to complete it.”
Being outside and running is a great way to relieve stress, and this event seeks to get people out and about in nice weather.
Wellbeing ambassadors is a program that features UI students who are passionate about the health and wellbeing of the people on campus. The program seeks to help people spiritually, mentally and physically. This is through the use of volunteers, mentors and activities that seek to help people with their mental health and deal with stress.
For more information on De-stress week and its events, check out Vandal Health at the University of Idaho website.
Ryan Hill can be reached at or on Twitter @RyanHil32959860