This recipe is for people who have a chocolate addiction but have a gluten allergy or intolerance and still want that chocolate hit. This is a fast and easy gluten-free brownie recipe. This brownie texture is a cross between fudge and the traditional brownie.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40-50 minutes
Total Time: One hour
Servings: Eight
16 oz can black beans
Three eggs
⅓ cup butter
¼ cup cocoa powder
Two teaspoons vanilla extract
One cup sugar
⅓ cup chopped walnuts (optional)
⅓ cup chocolate chips (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Melt butter and set aside to cool.
- Rinse and drain the can of black beans.
- Add black beans, eggs, cooled melted butter, cocoa powder, vanilla and sugar to a blender and blend to smooth.
- Grease an 8×8 inch glass baking dish.
- Pour in batter and if using either chocolate chips, walnuts or both, sprinkle them on top.
- Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the center is set.
- Let cool and enjoy.
Savanna Rynearson can be reached at