In 1996, the University of Idaho decided to outsource dining services. For 20 plus years, Sodexo has been UI’s dining contract partner, providing food to students in the Hub, the ISUB and the Grid. Though on June 30, Sodexo’s contract with UI expires, and the university has decided not to renew it.
Next year UI will be having a new catering provider instead of Sodexo. Chartwell’s will be taking over catering for UI instead of Sodexo. That means the food in the hub, as well as the food in the ISUB and Grid, will be handled by them from now on.
Back in the fall of 2020, UI Contracts and Purchasing services knew that Sodexo’s five-year contract as a food vendor was expiring.
“We (the university) went out for a request of proposal for those services,” Julia R. McIlroy, Director of Contracts and Purchasing Services, said. “Essentially all food on campus.”
McIlroy said they had several vendors bid for the contract, including Sodexo. Cami McClure, the Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services for UI said a committee of 10 individuals, which included student representation, decided to go with Chartwells.
John Kosh, the Director of Marketing and Communication, said they decided that this year, they would want a contract that would be beneficial for students.
“Our students really, really, deserve that extra attention, they’ve gone through a lot,” Kosh said “Students were the focus, it became the top priority.”
Chartwell’s bid offered a variety of benefits for students. Next year, students will be able to use their meal swipes not only at the Hub but in the ISUB as well. McClure said that as an example, they could get a Qdoba meal or a meal from True Burger, a new restaurant replacing Mein Bowl.
Kosh said they liked how this meal plan would be convenient for students who might not have time to go to the Hub to eat but still want to get a meal on the go. The new bid does not replace dining dollars, as those will still be around.
There will be some other changes as well with the new contract. The Grid will become the Market and will give students a chance to get some fresh vegetables and other healthy options. Joes Cheesy Grill and Papa Johns will be replaced with PLM and Honey, a Mediterranean fusion restaurant. In the LLCS, at night, there will a ghost kitchen opening called Cravings by Joe, which will offer foods like pizza and other late-night snacks for students who are up late studying.
McLure and Kosh also said that the meal plans will be slightly cheaper for students as well, which is another reason why they went with Chartwells.
The Residence Housing Association is excited to work with their new provider. Corey Ray, Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life, said he is in support of the decision of switching providers because he feels that it’s a great way to make the students’ lives better for them dining-wise.
“I cannot stress enough that here in housing and residence life that we value a dining partner,” Ray said. “We need a dining partner who’s willing to work with us, we’ll work with them because we want to create a great experience.”
However, the contract still needs to be approved by the Idaho State Board of Education. The reason being that this contract is over one million dollars. McIlroy said that contracts over that amount have to be approved by the board. The board will make their decision on April 18, if they approve the contract.
Ryan Hill can be reached at or Twitter @RyanHil32959860