Across the nation people gathered at their local polling locations to cast their vote in the 2020 presidential election. Voters in Latah County went to one of three locations to cast their ballots yesterday: Hamilton Recreation Center, Student Recreation Center and the Idaho Fairgrounds. Amid the bustle of Election Day 2020, Argonaut photographers worked hard to capture the action throughout Moscow. Here’s a look at what they found.
A cyclist passes by a sign pointing towards the Student Recreation Center’s (SRC) polling area. | Richard PathomsiriAaron Bharucha, ASUI Senator, shows a voter where to go, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriVoters enter the back of the Student Recreation Center to vote, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriA volunteer guides a voter along their registration process, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriA voter awaits registration. To the right, a map of Latah county voter precincts sits on the wall, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriThe walkway to the entrance of the polling station at the SRC, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriA University of Idaho Parking and Transportation Services staff helps guide voters towards the polls, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriVoting booths at the SRC, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriSigns helped guide potential voters towards the back of the SRC, Nov. 3. | Richard PathomsiriA student sits at the otherwise empty election night watch party. | Esther DavidA voter enters the Latah County Events Center Nov. 3. | Kim StagerVoters check the voting map near the door and head inside to vote Nov. 3. | Kim StagerFront entrance to Hamilton Indoor Recreation Center Nov. 3 | Kim Stager Two voters hold signs supporting Gabriel Rench near the Latah County Events Center Nov. 3. | Kim StagerVolunteers greet voters outside. | Kim Stager
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