OPINION: Christ Church resurfaces, so do old scandals

Pastor Doug Wilson is placed under scrutiny for his scandals

A counter protester at the Oct. 7 Christ Church Psalm Sing. | Anteia McCollum

Christ Church in Moscow has been brought to the national spotlight due to their weekly anti-mask protests, aka Psalm Sings. Their leader, Pastor Douglas Wilson, is a radically conservative author, a full-time faculty member and founder of New St. Andrews College and the host of the infamous “The Lost Virtue of Sexism” talk on campus last February.

Wilson also happens to be a founder of Canon Press, a Moscow-based publishing house, which has curiously published nearly all his 31 books. I will choose to not debate whether publishing your own books by a company that works for you is ethical or a true accomplishment because, frankly, Wilson has much more controversial issues than that.

If you keep up with Wilson’s blog page, “Blog and Mablog,” you’ll know he is not new to criticism. In 1996, he released his book “Southern Slavery: As it Was,” which contained passages defending slavery.

“Slavery as it existed in the South … was a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence,” Wilson stated in his book. “…Slave life was to (slaves) a life of plenty, of simple pleasures, of food, clothes and good medical care.”

To this day, Wilson still defends all his previous statements, claiming “he would have fought for the south.” 

On top of that, Wilson is openly homophobic, sexist and transphobic. He often writes about his beliefs concerning women, taking on an almost obsessive interest and hosting annual talks each year to try and push his agenda.

Attending his “Lost Virtue of Sexism” event last winter, I entered with low expectations and still managed to exit fully disappointed. He uses his “theology” and “logic” repetitively as an attempt to justify his backward ways of viewing women. His blog is home to posts titled “Why Christian Women are Prettier,” and “Boobquake and The Meaning of History” where he continuously criticizes women, their appearances and their roles.
Wilson preaches that women are made to be submissive to men, should care about their appearances (yet never too much) and claims that in a time of “enlightenment” and women’s independence, sexual assault has never been higher.

Something Wilson forgets is that sexual assault is not necessarily happening more, it’s just being reported. Sexual assault has existed throughout all human history, from the vikings to the digital age. The difference is now women are actually given the resources and platforms to address it. Women’s independence is giving us more accurate statistics to these causes, something that could have never happened 50 or 100 years ago. 
Blaming women for their misfortunes seems to be a common theme in Wilson’s readings. He constantly critiques women’s personal lives as the source of their troubles, yet never seems to maintain this same opinion for men.

The most shocking scandal involves the relationship of 24-year-old Christ Church missionary Jamin Wight and 14-year-old Natalie Greenfield, a scandal as to which Natalie documents in her blog, “Natalie Greenfield.” In a blog post, she releases emails between her and pastor Doug Wilson in which he grills her about her personal life, gives veiled threats about leaking her childhood journal if she continued her case and tells her repeatedly, she shouldn’t continue because it “would hurt her mother.”

In his official letter addressing the topic, he brings up inappropriate topics such as the victims height, maturity level and appearance—odd ways of blaming a 14-year-old for being manipulated by a man 10 years her senior. Later, he published a blog titled “Potiphar’s Wife, Survivor,” where he mocks rape victims.

Unfortunately, this is not the last of his attempts to cover up events within his circle. In 2005, a serial molester within his college violated several children—a fact that Wilson himself knew, and failed to share with the public, or even members of his own church. Later, members of Christ Church set up this serial rapist with a woman in the community, hoping marriage would “cure” his urges.

Overall, those interested in Christ Church should proceed with caution and do their research on what and who they’re following. I hope that those among his church can find a religion in which they are accepted, supported and loved during their struggles, not silenced and coerced.

Dani Moore can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu.

About the Author

Dani Moore I'm a senior at University of Idaho, majoring in Studio Arts with a Creative writing minor. I write opinion articles for The Argonaut, and photograph and design for BLOT newspaper on the side.

9 replies

  1. Lisa Hamilton

    Doug Wilson should research slavery. He should step away from using the word Christ or God. I will pray that God makes that so. He is lost. Black female women were raped for the purpose of an owner to have new slaves to own and sell. Children were sold away from parents, mother's, grandmothers. Slaves were not expected to rise to new levels of spiritual or psychological, or literate development. Slaves were born into a system which they almost did not escape. Mr Wison says he would have fought for the south during the American Civil War. He would have faougt to maintain bondage. To keep the idea that black slave were not human, but animals. It is good to know that Mr. Wilson would have fought and died on the wrong side. The loser side. If I were or weren't a slave I would have fought against people like Mr Wilson. I would have been with the winner's side.

  2. Renee

    There is not one ounce of Christ's spirit in this "church", I have a hard time calling it a "church" as it seems more like misogynistic Club/ tax evasion scheme

  3. Deanna

    I will be sure to refer to the references to see if indeed Doug's statements were in fact against the very sacred and life giving way of life that true Christians stand to defend. As a 10 year registered nurse, married to a twice master degreed teacher ( in education and government) I would not especially call this a well researched paper, as the bias is well apparent. I am an elder millennial mom who grew up in a mixed progressive/ conservative household, as I am a product of divorce. I grew up believing the "promiscuity" tag of Naomi Wolfe, as well as the blind faith of repub good, demo bad. I lived out and believed the tales that true womanhood was found in women's lib, and no man should ever have a say over your life or your choices. This made me unconsciously suspect of my husband's attempts to lead me away from things that flaunted boobs legs and butts. This programming which consumed my thoughts for 24 of the 29 years of my life almost endedbthe family which my husband and I fought for in the NICU for 7 months to end up as another tremendously broken and dysfunctional family. I almost let the promiscuity mindset of women's lib, lead me down a path of utter unknown risk and possible self destruction- not only for myself, but my husband, my daughter, my in-laws. I have listened to quite a number of Doug's sermons on federal headship, and none of it has offended me as a totally redeemed and strong woman, who does not let the culture or Women's lib tell me who or what has the authority to reign over my identity. It is Christ Alone. Read Ephesians and Corinthians to see what the prince of Peace, not deception, brings to a woman, and what a Real, Loving, Christ honering man is called to when it comes to his wife. It is not an easy, but noble task. I do not expect anyone on here to get what I talking about, although those who have been unequivocally saved through Christ's grace will know exactly what I mean. I am liberated and free and at total peace because I know God's got me and He had my husband. I build my husband up, try to honor what he warns me of when my jeans are too tight, or my blouse has too much personality underneath. Although I bucked him before I was humbled through the rest ck bottom situation I was put into, now I try to take his insight as a man, who knows EXACTLY how guys think, into honorable consideration. And I expect him and thank him for delivering that insight to my 13 year old daughter. If women only knew what goes through a guys mind who isn't trying to bring mustard seeds of lust into submission. We are called to not do or wear anything that would make another stumble. I, more than most millennials, know this from experience. I try to take this and other features of Christ into my bedside practice Everytime I have a person in God's image before me.....which btw is everyone. I have not always been exempt from the judgements that my fellow nurses have already placed on an individual, but I can safely say 90 percent of my patients have been approached with the worldview that my Lord Jesus Christ so graciously is molding me onto.....one of strong conviction that a mind without peace is one which is doomed to suffer greatly....physiologically and mentally. While it is easy for me to be patient, listen, and try to come to an understanding of where patients anxieties and frustrations, the art of loving them with the truth is one that is both revolutionary and, to be honest, quite dangerous in the prideful society we live in. And I have yet to be sanctified in this spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ. He was able to discern who was down right being belligerent ( the Pharisees whom knew and were going against the teachings and mercy of God) and who was just ignorant and needed grace. While many will continue to have a pharassiacle attitude towards anyone they are too scared of accurately protraying and learning about the decrepitude in their own soul, Christian s are called to integrity and to decry favoritism to the rich OR the poor( yes, this is in the Bible) ....and yet this is a very hard task even in a redeemed state. Though it is not I but Christ which makes this change, turning my heart of stone and pride into flesh. A whole way of life/ thinking that womanhood is called to engrain into our childre as only we can - those endowed talents which God the Creator gave women specifically- the nurturer, the patience, and if really wise- the calling to teach our kids to discern. This very important and specific calling has been lost and rendered " defective thinking" in women's circles around our country. One only need to look at the riots last year to see the absolute foolishness and hijacking of young minds by a worldview which demonizes virtue among women, yet turns a blind eye to the obvious sexualization of women that has been going on for decades. I have been asked by a few nurse practitioners and md' s alike to go back to school to get my own nurse practitioner license, however I answered a fellow Christian doctor -not at this season in my life- I have 3 arrows to raise. Quite reformed thinking from my " promiscuity" days of the late 90's. All glory be to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob- the true lover and authority of ALL people.He is a good good father.

  4. Christo

    Can you say "Hit piece"?

  5. Your Conscience

    This is a hit piece, nothing more. You obviously know nothing of Christianity or Doug Wilson. You pick and choose phrases, excluding context. And you vilify because you don't agree. This is just a way for you to feel righteous while being mean. Yet, Christians will continue love you all the same. No matter how many times you slash at them, they will love you and pray for you.

    1. Consider it Cleared

      Please bring up any missing information then, as it appears Dani had done extensive research prior to the publishing of this opinion piece. In fact, I’ve found several interesting facts about Doug Wilson that would have been a far greater “hit” toward him, though they were not included. As a former Christian, the prayers are not needed and the judgement you are calling “love” is not as Christ himself would have wished. Best regards.

  6. Jana

    I thought he was an alum of UI?

  7. Dan Granja

    One should note that Doug Wilson created his own college, New St. Andrews, and made himself a "Senior Fellow", thereby creating a circular appearance of credibility. That college is "accredited" by TRACS, an organization that requires accredited schools to have a statement of faith that affirms "the inerrancy and historicity of the Bible" and "the divine work of non-evolutionary creation including persons in God's image". The quality of your article highlights the difference in intellectual caliber between these sham "colleges" and legitimate educational organization such as The University of Idaho, accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

  8. Elinor Michel

    Dani Moore---excellent opinion piece about Doug Wilson, well researched and informative. Elinor M., Moscow, retired UI professor

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