Anticipation of the Moscow Farmer’s Market had officials expecting to draw in large crowds of attendees this Saturday.
However, because of recent non-compliance with the City of Moscow Amended Public Health Order 20-03, which states individuals must maintain a social distance of a minimum six feet and wear face coverings, this Saturday’s event has been cancelled.
Authorities decided to cancel due to anticipated demonstrations during the market, according to a City of Moscow news release. The closure was based mainly on public safety concerns and a potentially hostile situation, the news release stated.
The City of Moscow shared appreciation to patrons who complied with the order, which has allowed the event to remain open as long as it has, according to the news release.
The Motor-In Moscow Farmers Market will take place as scheduled to accommodate orders purchased earlier this week.
Emily Pearce can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @Emily_A_Pearce.