Looking back to see what was going on in past years is a great way to gain insight into what the world used to be like. The University of Idaho Library has a website which includes PDFs of printed issues of The Argonaut. Anyone can look through these at any time.
Here are some hand-picked articles from various points in The Argonaut’s history. Click here to see all the other articles in this series.
Sept. 14, 1950
This three paragraph article is tucked in between other articles on the front page of this issue of The Argonaut. I almost missed it when I was looking over this issue. It’s interesting to compare this short welcome message to the longer emails that we typically get from ASUI presidents to welcome us into the new year.
Sept. 10, 1968
Chris L. Smith wrote a welcoming article to the students at UI in this issue. Beginning with the detail that 1968 was the year of the great white whale, and how he was determined to make the newspaper that year perfect (or their great white whale). Smith later goes on to explain how the staff will cover campus in a more in-depth way rather than superficially.
To read our current Editor-in-Chief’s article regarding her plans during her time at The Argonaut click here. https://www.uiargonaut.com/2019/12/12/a-new-year-a-new-semester-a-new-argonaut/
Sept. 10, 1982
Most of us college students have not used a typewriter, unless we’re trying to follow an aesthetic. This article explains that the typewriters for public use have been removed from the library because of damage. This issue seemed to have a lot of impact on the student body, as those quoted in the article were already trying to find solutions to the issue.
Sept. 11, 2001
The front pages of newspapers are designed to showcase the most important or relevant issues of the day, week etc. This front page did not include anything about the attacks on Sept. 11. I’m guessing that this paper was designed and printed prior to the attack.
Nicole Hindberg can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @HindbergNicole.